penguin apt start strong on their first album. It’s impressive that the band got everything in sync so well. Looking at their Instagram, they’ve been together for a while and penguins live on the upper floor of your room. has actually been out since October 2024 on Bandcamp and their streaming debut was in January 2025.

I’m staying on my hill and saying that intro tracks are useless, but penguin apt use it decently ok here before leading into “Wavelace.” The band is a combination or indie, alternative, and rock music. “Wavelace” is indie rock in the verse and alternative in the chorus with the whole song foundationally in the rock genre. The vocals help mellow the song.
The way penguin apt composes songs is a little strange because it sounds like a cut-and-paste of genres. But with each transition, they’re able to keep things interesting. “Pokyeom Alert!” is eclectic and has more of a post-punk front with an indie rock background.
And this is what keeps penguins live on the upper floor of your room. interesting the entire time. The 23 minutes move quickly. “3” is the album’s bridge and presents a calmness. But it’s also curious why the song has a repeating Japanese line with Korean around it.
I think it’s required now for bands to have an upbeat commercial pop style track. “Parallel Serenata” has a very familiar composition. A moving bassline, consistent drum rhythm, and vocals that keep up with the tempo. And then the chorus is a little brighter than the verses. And penguin apt like longer songs. The shortest is still over three minutes and the longest is 20 seconds short of five minutes. But penguin apt keeps it interesting.
“20230716” is another transition song before “Dewdrop.” The closer is also another standard composition that still includes the penguin apt signature. penguins live on the upper floor of your room. is a very strong debut album that raises itself from the rest of the “newer” rock bands around.
penguin apt has a distinct style that’s interesting and fresh. Hopefully they continue evolving and releasing new music.
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