The Internets are so mean and nasty these days, with everyone casting their judgemental judgements of judgement on everyone and everything, just so they can look cool and get Internet points. However among the toxicity that is the Kpoponlineosphere there is still at least one beacon of hope left – Kpopalypse’s POSITIVE posts! Only Kpopalypse has the guts and fortitude to spread true POSITIVITY to the masses! Let’s take a look at all the reasons why you should feel POSITIVE about Dara!
Dara was in 2NE1 who were an amazing iconic k-pop group actually kinda mid tbh but whatever at least I could tell the members apart
Dara should always first be remembered as 25% of 2NE1, YG Entertainment’s attempt to do BigBang with girls instead of boys and with less sexual assault okay scratch that, just BigBang with girls I guess. They were actually a pretty good group when they weren’t sucking randomly for no reason, in fact you could say they were the personification of “bad meaning good”, if “good” meant you were actually bad half the time. But the good parts were definitely good meaning good. More importantly, 2NE1 started a new trend in k-pop at that time by having very unique and distinct looks. Just look at the photo above, and it’s blatantly obvious which one is Dara, of course it’s the one dressing older to give youngsters a sense of security around her. Now compare it to this clip from 2NE1’s debut days:
You can still tell instantly which one is Dara, even though Dara in this video is young enough to be considered dateable by Dara. I thank 2NE1 for their service in making everyone look distinct in a scene known for uniformity, because god knows who the fuck any of these people are:
Dara doesn’t age
Dara is very far away from my type, plus as we all know I’m at least 80 years too old to have a chance with her anyway. However fans have pointed out for many years that Dara definitely does not look as old as she is. Can you guess how old Dara is in the following photos?
I’d give you the answers, but I have no idea either! In fact I don’t think anyone could tell her true age, especially not Dara herself who seems to have a bit of trouble with determining that sort of thing from time to time.
No, I’m not kidding – Dara actually doesn’t age
A few people have been a bit upset with Dara lately, because apparently she lied and said that she was 16 years old, when she was 19 years old, just so she could date a 14-year old without getting into trouble. Apparently this was originally part of this clip here:
But it got edited out, you can still see the edited part here though:
Now I don’t know if this was relationship was at the crucial “handjobs behind the bike shed” stage, or if was more of a “gosh I have a crush on you, can I sit at your table and share cheesy puffs” type of thing, but of course she had to stop all that sort of malarkey when 2NE1 debuted, because we all know how Mr. YG is about protecting the welfare of young people. I feel that what people are missing though, is that Dara doesn’t age like the rest of us do, and we have plenty of evidence of this. So when Dara was 19 and saying she was 16, she was probably 12 in Dara years.
Dara has always been very careful to not be inappropriately sexual
In this age where everyone is worried about idols being “sexualised” (whatever that actually means – I’m sure someone will tell me when a consensus on what constitutes “sexualisation” is finally reached), it’s odd that they haven’t picked up Dara as a mascot for their anti-sexualisation quest. In fact it’s hard to think of someone in k-pop with a more aggressively anti-sexual image.

If you are a concerned parent, worried that perhaps Dara was seeing your child, I honestly wouldn’t worry – given Dara’s track-record of hyper-asexual styling and costume design, I don’t think there would have been any realistic chance of temptation. Imagine him opening to the door to his new date and there she is, dressed like a hyperventillating mushroom on acid. Your son’s boner would have behaved much like Dara’s hair – unable to keep it up without the aid of synthetic cylindrical devices.
It was probably just Whack-A-Mole, folks
As much as thirsty-for-scandal k-pop fans would adore it if Dara was inviting her boyfriend over for multiple gangbang orgies involving pentagrams and goat’s blood, this probably didn’t actually happen. If it was T-ara’s Qri or IU in the same scandal I’d be more worried, as “Whack-A-Mole” would essentially mean a turkey slap in their case, but I’m pretty sure the only moles and holes that Dara and her boy-pal explored were the ones that they were hitting with a hammer… no that sounds too lurid, I mean the holes that the beavers pop out of… oh fuck it, never mind. Anyway you get the idea, I don’t think they were doing anything all that much, even if she lied about her age which is mega-sketch so apologies to all you weirdo k-pop fans who were really secretly hoping that a rape happened just so you could cancel Dara with extra-strength because I’m at least 65.2% sure that it didn’t. Although Dara probably did want to do more with him and probably would have if things kept going because there was a whole five long-ass years before the kid turned of age and that’d be a long time for Dara to wait… but then maybe not that long for the kid to wait, I mean it IS Dara we’re talking about here so he probably didn’t feel like it anyway. If you want to try some Whack-A-Mole of your own just to see if it makes you feel like you’ve been put on a list somewhere, you can click here, and the sidebar girl also takes you there this week. I found a nice Whack-A-Mole game that’s also a typing tutor as well, so you can test and maybe improve your typing ability, which might be useful for writing those all-important apology letters in the future.
At least this whole thing shows some positive developments within fandom culture
I’d just like to draw your attention back to the original video for a moment (even if the part in question has since been erased so as to “prevent cultural misunderstandings“):
If there’s a silver lining to this whole thing, it’s that the original video was posted on May 10th 2024 and it took nine months for a large enough group of people to actually notice, for them to eventually convey all of this to me. It’s clear that people aren’t wasting their time watching inane YouTube videos of their idols’ dumb opinions and anecdotes as much as previously thought. (Which also means that complaints about Dara “normalising” this type of behaviour don’t really fly, because to influence a behaviour in society, first people have to be actualy listening to what you’re saying, and it’s pretty clear that in Dara’s case nobody gave that much of a fuck what she said if it took nine whole-ass months for someone to notice her saying “btw I’m literally like a pedo uwu”. I mean imagine if it was Jennie or something, this shit would have blown up faster than you could say “to think I wasted a whole decade and a half being bitter about Dara getting less lines”.) Perhaps the kids are learning to think again after all, and this is a sign of a bold new age of intelligence and rational thought where the younger generations awaken from their social media-induced slumber and reject the lessons of superficial hypercapitalism to embrace a more enlightened future…
Oh silly me, what was I thinking, we’re doomed. Anyway, yeah that’s my thing on Dara I guess, whatever. Hey at least it’s good to see an idol get punished for playing sportball with someone. Clamp down on that shit for sure YES
That’s all for this post – Kpopalypse shall return!