this is a pre-debut article – KPOPALYPSE

this is a pre-debut article – KPOPALYPSE

hi everyone it’s kpopalypse here how are you [insert proper post intro here when I have time]

people have been asking me to explian the concept of “pre-debut” and I really can’t do it. i have no idea what this means. however I have noticed a pattern where new groups release songs that aren’t very good, I say “gosh this song here is not very good” and I get replies along the lines of “BUT IT’S A PRE-DEBUT IT’S NOT THE ACTUAL DEBUT” as if that somehow matters and we didn’t have to put up with listening to the shit song regardless

so to illustrate this concept, I decided to make a ‘pre-debut’ post on this website. as you can see, this post has several problems that cause it to not meet required standards:

  • it’s too short
  • spelling, puncutation and grammar mistakes
  • Han Seo Hee is the header image and she’s not even a k-pop
  • the song in the video isn’t a pre-debut song
  • the song in the video isn’t a pre-debut song
  • this list has needless repetition in it
  • the images in this post aren’t even central also i’ve used them before
  • [if I think of another dot point I’ll put it here]

however you’re not allowed to complain about this post because it’s a pre-debut. since i’ve never written a paid article or had advertising on my website, this means that Kpopalypse is still “yet to debut”, unlike people who write for “proper” k-pop websites like all those other ones you visit that have advertising and where people just get the press releases emailed straight from the record companies’ publicitiy person and report them and that’s literally the article.

so if anyone complains that “wow the latest kpopalypse content sure sucks a fat cock” please be sure to jump to my defence with “but he’s still PRE DEBUT so you’re not allowed to criticse anything he does ok?” even though I will probably never write a paid article or have advertising because everyone can lick my balls. tysm I love all of you cunts


(and for those who caught my ‘dfdfdf’ test post, that was a pre-pre debut post, even more awesome and forgivable for its flaws)

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